Very cool piece of writing. You have a great style to your work!

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Thanks, Cade!

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Your future Dystopian New York smells, tastes and feels exactly like I'd imagine life is, right now in Kiev, Lvov or Dnieperpetrovsk. (Maybe with fewer topless dance bars or roving conscription vans.) Excuse the politically incorrect triple spelling error but I'm consciously reaching back in time for historical context. Quite a ride!

[One request for clarification in the synopsis. I was confused. I think an, "and" should replace the comma between Spanish Jackie and Sarah. And maybe "Danny's girlfriend," instead of "his girlfriend." Otherwise I wonder if Spanish Jackie is bi.

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Thank you for taking the time to read, Mihailo, and happy birthday. Thanks for the heads up on the synopsis.

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Just purchased "Flatiron (And Other Tall Tales)".

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That’s nice of you, hope you enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving.

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I was in Kyiv up until the end of December 2021. I remember everyone talking about the rumors of war, but nobody wanted to believe it. Either that, or so many Ukrainians had been used to war since 2014 that talks of 'war' almost seemed silly, as there already was one.

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Great read! Everyone’s descent into madness feels like a horror story that is close to reality/could happen anytime/ cautionary tale- which I appreciate and enjoy reading.

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thanks, Melissa.

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